Respecting Religions You must not only respect your own religion and beliefs, but you must also respect other people’s religion and beliefs. You also must understand that every person has the right to choose his or her religion. Remember, all humans are equal, regardless of their religion or the festivals they celebrate. Don’t forget to Read MoreRead More
“What is respect”? Everyone’s a little bit different. That’s okay, though, so long as you take time to treat everyone in a way that makes them feel cared for and important. Respect is the ability to recognize and appreciate the rights, beliefs, practices, and differences of other people.Read More
“What is Kindness”? Kindness is the act of being caring or warm in spirit. An example of kindness is asking a lost person if they need directions. Kindness, it’s part of human nature. Even small acts of kindness make us feel more satisfied and content, and as we practice kindness it shifts our nervous system making Read MoreRead More